Lynn Louise Says

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What if Transhumanism was an evil plot?

To deliberately end someone's life,

usually to end pain, is called

Euthanasia or Mercy Killing.

There are 4 types:  active, passive, indirect and physician assisted suicide.

Are Transhumanism or Euthanasia good ways to move forward for humanity and mankind?

What makes us human?

Humans have a soul. Science explained. Soul vs Holy Spirit
Humans are not rational creatures. Our decision making process is complex, because each of us has a different set of emotional reactions, depending on our experiences.
Humans have a consciousness, to include any kind of cognition, experience, feeling or perception
Humans have unique communication skills; we tap into the collective and individual consciousness
A machine or robot can never have what it takes to be a complete human even though we keep trying they will only be able to copy or imitate many human aspects.
For example, feeling sad. Guess what? Google has invented an AI that can teach itself.
We humans can never become a complete robot, either. Even if AI takes over the world and wipes out humanity. Scientists refer to this as AI singularity. AI singularity does not seem that plausible on a practical level given how limited AI actually is.
Another reason it's not plausible is that even the stupidist humans will not give them the right to take over legally. Plus, there is little data that suggests that AI can emulate human's ability to respond to certain tasks and put humans at risk in the future.
The big moral issue with AI is lack of transparency. AI decisions are not always intelligible to humans. AI is not neutral and AI based decisions are susceptible to inaccuracies. So discriminatory outcomes and embedded or inserted bias is inevitable. Surveillance practices for data gathering and privacy of court users will be a future problem, as well.
The big moral issue with transhumanism is biohacking. Another flag is that only the rich can do it
Another AI moral issue is one of economics. But AI is here and transhumanism is a poor way to cheat death and compete.
Another moral issue with transhumanism is the threat to human dignity,
Lastly, Euthanasia is a cowardly act. We miss out on God's lessons.
Our body belongs to God. It is His property, not yours. You don’t own it, God does. He created your body, and He expects you to use it the way He intended for it to be used.
Someone who takes their life to escape from the way they feel carries all their feelings with them to the other world, and they have to deal with them there.
Euthanasia is suicide or self murder
Suicide has consequences
Therefore, transhumanism and euthanasia are not good decisions.

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Lynn Louise, editor

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