Listen to learn to meditate video, while reading!
Mass Shootings can be stopped, why is nothing being done - procrastination?
Not just Texas shooter, Salvador Ramos, barged through unlocked doors. Fault?
Not just Salvador Ramos had no armed guard obstacle. Fault?
Not just Salvador Ramos had no one doing social media monitoring. Fault?
Not just Salvador Ramos had no technological deterrents. Fault?
Not just Salvador Ramos showed increasingly agressive behavior. but received no psych therapy. Fault?
Not just Salvador Ramos, legally purchased 2 AR-15 rifles from a local federal firearms licensee who defers background check to FBI. Is FBI at fault?
Mass Shootings are a huge issue . .
This problem can easily be solved with just a little common sense song. . .
- Do not fret, but how expensive or difficult would it be to implement entry control equipment like remote controlled door locks and mobile barricades?
- Have emergency plan in place that includes first responders, emergency management staff, and all community partners to identify, prepare, prevent, and effectively respond to an active shooter in a coordinated fashion.
- Social Media monitoring should be a HUGE priority.
- Watch for warning signs and do appropriate intervention to include extreme agression and anger issues
- Add extreme risk laws and effective FBI background checks to elgibility gun requirements
- Establishing and enacting safe, secure gun storage laws
- Stop bullying and cyber bullying.
- Avoid delays - procrastination always does harm OR Procrastination usually results in sorrowful regret (hear procrastination video)
Should gun laws and attitudes favor the gun owner?
If guns were taken away from the average, law-abiding, sane, trained, responsible gun owner, how would that benefit anybody?
A must read: "More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws" by John R. Lott Jr. who researched and discovered that guns deter crime.
Furthermore, journalist John Stossel explained, "Criminals don't obey the law. Without the fear of retaliation from victims who might be packing heat, criminals in possession of these (illegal or legal) weapons now have a much easier job. The saying goes, "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."
Stats reveal that guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times a year. So, having the means of defending oneself is a basic natural right that grows out of the right to life and so many laws interfere with the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves against violent criminals and feel safe.
Even Senator Dianne Feinstein, a gun control advocate, carried a concealed gun when her life was threatened and her home attacked by the New World Liberation Front in the 1970'S.
Where are the softest locations (no guns allowed) near you?
Let’s talk some more …
The majority of school shooters have had some kind of mental health problem or social interaction issue that people noticed. The Parkland shooter was flagged multiple times, yet no one took action. What are the traits?
Schools must have limited points of entry (one, or at most two) that are monitored and controlled by school personnel who can turn people away when needed. School personnel and students should not be able to “cheat” by opening doors for friends or parents or even strangers. Allowing people to enter without authorization, even just to be “nice,” is a huge point of vulnerability. No provision should be made for laziness or convenience.
School or public personnel must have training that must include negotiation and de-escalation skills, nonlethal control techniques, team response drills, and yes, firearms training. This bears emphasis; firearms training must be far more than shooting a few dozen rounds at a local range. Shooting in close proximity to other personnel is the most difficult gun skill to learn—it must be trained and drilled until it becomes an ingrained skill if we are going to depend on a staff-based response capability.