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Ethics is a set of standards or rules concerning what is and what is not acceptable behavior.
Morality is a set of personal principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion and/or culture.
Moral or personal values pave the path for all decisions in life. There are 7 moral codes that unite humanity.
Happy family values teach: kindness and self-compassion.
A way to make the best ethical decision is to consider all 3 approaches.
2 moral codes to develop is to help your family and your group.
Happy family values teach: integrity and responsibility.
Virtue ethics; aspiring to a set of virtues brings me closer to the person I want to be.
2 moral codes to develop is to return favors and be brave.
Happy family values teach: mutual respect and honesty.
Consequentialist ethics; Am I doing more good than harm or Am I making the world a better place?
2 moral codes to develop is to defer to superiors, especially if it is because you respect their knowledge or experience. and divide resources fairly.
Happy family values teach: open communication.
Duty-based ethics; Reasons for doing anything must be consistent and coherent. What is my duty to others?
The last moral code to develop is to respect others' property.
What are the most important virtues?
Virtue 1: Be trustworthy for others
Virtue 2: Be faithful to your savior. Time to learn some Christian history, right?
Virtue 3: Be humble
Virtue 4: Be temporate; Self-Control in Relation to Pleasure and Pain; habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions
Virtue 5: Be just
Virtue 6: Be prudent
Virtue 7: Be reasonable and have fortidude by drawing consistently on spiritual resources to transcend and endure negative emotions in the face of stressors.
Virtue 8, 9, 10: Be patient, a giver/charitable and greatful.
What is Christian courage? Collaborating in faith with God's purposes and plans. When we turn our will to him, he empowers us and will strengthen us every step of the way.
What is Christian bravery? When we make the brave choice to live Kingdom lives, we are changed and so are the lives of people surrounding us, too!
What is Christian diligence? Following God's commandments with persistance, determination and care.
What happens if good ethics, morals and God's laws are not followed? Bad health. Guilt. Dissatisfaction. Death and Destruction.
Salvation means to be rescued by God from the consequences of our wrongdoing. What, then, must we do to be saved?
We must believe in Jesus. But belief encompasses more than just knowing about Jesus. One must also act on this knowledge, combining faith and trust and acting on it. So salvation also entails repentance – a sincere willingness to radically change our behavior. There is a certain degree of humility that is also required on our part in order to submit to Christ and receive salvation.
Proper fellowship with God cannot happen with unconfessed sin in our lives. Therefore, we need to confess our sins to God as soon as we are aware that we have sinned.
How to pray article
How to talk with GOD video